How To Foster 'Fun Fridays' in the Office

The summer is quickly coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. Recent research has revealed that building a positive, fun workspace for employees has several benefits. A fun work environment builds camaraderie, increases productivity, encourages creativity, and reduces turnover rates.

That’s why we’ve identified eight ways to make Fridays fun in the office! Check out our favorite activities:

Communal Lunches

Sharing a meal is a great way for employees to chat during their breaks. Plan to visit the new Thai restaurant across the street, or order catered box lunches. Either way, employees will feel satisfied!

Group Exercises

Sharing a common goal, like fitness, is an awesome way to build camaraderie and foster trust among employees. Schedule weekly sunrise yoga sessions, a weekend kick-ball tournament, or group walks to get the endorphins flowing.

Yummy Snack Stashes

When blood sugar starts to decrease mid-afternoon, it’s important to provide healthy, tasty snacks. Storing energizing trail mixes, granola bars, and fresh fruit will motivate employees to power through their work days.

Personalized Workstations

To keep employees engaged, encourage them to customize their work surfaces. Adding family photos, live plants, and colorful accessories increases visual stimulation and promotes positive energy.

Monthly Happy Hours

Planning a weekly or monthly happy hour encourages employees to form connections outside of the workplace. Send out a company wide memo to include everyone – nothing says “TGIF” more than mojitos and appetizers!

Group Volunteering Events

Schedule a time to visit the local food bank, animal shelter, or nonprofit organization. Volunteering is a great way to give back as a unified organization.

Beverage Stations

Investing in a coffee machine or beverage cooler will encourage employees to leave their work stations and chat with other departments. This simple interaction can form unique collaborations, which can lead to higher productivity rates.

Complimenting a Coworker

Ok, this last tip is totally optional. However, nothing is better than receiving a random compliment. Create a positive office environment by offering up a compliment (or two)!

Whether you’re about to present to senior management to get funding, pitch to a sales prospect who could make your year, or trying to engage a group of coworkers, great communicators know that a little positivity goes a long way toward making a healthy workspace atmosphere.

Want more workplace tips? Contact us for more ideas - we'd love you help you!

For more information, check out our article on Employee Retention.